:: Help ::

If you have further questions for Tibetan.mobi, You may email us to EBAY@ALL-SILVER.COM without hesitation, we will response you in 24 hours.


Step 1==>

Select your favorites

Tibetan.mobi provides online price mechanism between you and Tibetan.mobi. Now you can choose your items from a list of low, low prices,and "add in cart" , then you can still “Get Your Own Price” for exclusive savings. If you are interested in our items. you may negotiate with Tibetan.mobi online. Your may leave the message in the "note", including your offer, comments and questions which you concern.

Step 2==>

Making an offer

When you enter your request details, you will be presented with “shopping chart”, The choice is yours -- and it's only at Tibetan.mobi! You can place a request for items in just very simple steps! Tibetan.mobi will send a confirm email to you and processing your request in 24 hours.

Step 3==>

Get your favorites

If we accept your offer we will send email to you, then you can pay the item at your price. If we give you our price again via email, it means we are still in negotiating process. We can negotiate again from Step 1 to Step 3 until we get the same price.

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